Bulk Orange Color Powder 20 lb (Large)



Orange Bulk Color Powder

If you are an avid social media user, then there is no doubt that you will have seen photos and videos of some of the millions of events that take place all over the country that involve color powder. From charity color race-runs to school fundraisers to gender reveal parties, orange bulk color powder can make any event special. If you want to get involved in the fun, then we can help with our orange bulk color powder.

No Need to Worry About Ingredients

There have been numerous reports online and rumors on social media regarding the ingredients used in bulk color powders. Naturally, this has left people worried and a little wary of using the powders. However, with our color powder, there is absolutely nothing for you to be concerned about. We only use FDA-approved, natural ingredients to make our orange bulk color powder, so there is no risk to you or to the environment around you.

Raise More Money for Charity

Charity events are held every day all over the country. However, sometimes event organizers struggle to raise money for their charity because they have found it difficult to get people interested and involved. If you have found that this is a problem for the cause that you are trying to raise money for, then color powder could be the perfect solution. Our orange bulk color powder will allow you to bring something fun and different to your event, so more people will be interested in attending. From color race-run fundraisers to color fights, planning fun events will boost the number of people who want to attend.

Discounts Are Offered on Some Orders

Not only are you able to save money with our bulk color powder, but there is also a possibility that you may qualify for free U.S. shipping, depending on the total amount of your order. If you are planning on buying products worth more than $50, then you will be able to claim free shipping on your order, saving you even more.