Pink Color Powder Packets (10 Count)


  • Radiant Pink
  • All-Natural Ingredients
  • 10 Individual Packets
  • 70 Grams Of Color Powder In Each Packet
  • Additional Discounts Available


Pink Color Powder Packets (10-Count)

Our pink color powder is a favorite for color events of all kinds. It is especially popular for expecting parents waiting to announce the joyous addition of a baby girl to their loved ones. Whether you are planning a gender reveal or want to add a streak of shocking pink to your colorful event, you can be sure that our 10-count pink individual color powder packets are a beautiful, safe, and affordable choice for your announcement, celebration, or fundraiser. With 10 individual packets, everyone at your event can participate in throwing color powder or making a pink explosion — the ways to get creative are endless.

Made Of All-Natural Ingredients

Our pink color powder is made from safe, natural ingredients derived from plants, not harmful chemicals. On our ingredients list, you will see things that you can find in nature or in your own kitchen pantry, not ingredients you would find in a lab or on a bottle of chemicals. This means that our powder is safe and healthy for people of all ages to enjoy.

With Color Powder Supply, there is no need to worry about breathing in harmful substances, even if you are being showered with pink powder at a color race-run fundraiser or Holi festival. You can be sure that your skin, clothing, lungs, and all surfaces will be completely safe. What is more, because our color powder is made from beautiful, natural ingredients, it will not leave stains. This makes it easy to clean up after you have a ball making a mess.

Our all-natural ingredients list makes our color powder packets are a favorite of color race-run fundraisers and Holi celebrations everywhere. All our products, including our 10-count pink color powder packets, are made from food-grade and cosmetic-grade ingredients, which means that they are FDA-approved and OSHA-certified as a non-dust explosive. They are also nonflammable and biodegradable. All this means that you can celebrate your color powder event without worrying about your health and safety or that of your loved ones.

Discounts For Events and Fundraisers

Our 10-count individual pink color powder packets are a hugely popular choice for all kinds of color powder events. Individual packs are a fantastic way for everyone at your event to join the fun. What is more, Color Powder Supply offers a variety of discounts that you can take advantage of at any time, starting with free shipping on orders above $50.

We also always make it a priority to reward customers for returning to us with their business, which is why we offer a customer loyalty discount. Starting with your second order with Color Powder Supply, you will receive a 2 percent discount. Your third order will receive a 4 percent discount. These discounts keep going up with time, making us a perfect option for those hosting annual or regular color events.

It is not always easy to anticipate exactly how much color powder you will need for a particular event. At Color Powder Supply, we are passionate about saving you money and cutting back on waste. That is why we offer the chance for our customers to return their unopened color powder packets after their event is over. In return, they receive 75 percent of the original cost. After receiving your packets, we will send them on to someone else who can use them. This is a terrific way to cut back on waste while saving our customers money.

Our 10-count pink color powder packets are a perfect choice for all your color events, whether you are planning a color race-run fundraiser, a Holi celebration, or announcing that you are adding a baby girl to your family. The 70-gram 10-count pink color powder packets are an affordable way to celebrate.

Perfect For Gender Reveal Parties

Pink is especially popular for gender reveals powder. There is no end to the ways you can make your announcement. Gender reveals are becoming ever more popular, and there are so many ways to get creative with breaking the news to your loved ones. Some parents combine the powder with a couple of at-home ingredients to create a safe and exciting pink explosion. Some ask their guests to dress in white and spray them down with a burst of pink, while others pop a balloon filled with pink color powder. Our 10-count pink color powder packets are a wonderful way to help you break your exciting news to your loved ones in a way they will always remember.