Hosting A Color Race-Run Is a Perfect School Fundraiser

(Updated December 9, 2024)

Are you tired of organizing the same bland and over-done school fundraisers? Try something new this year, and host a color race-run. At the Color Powder Supply Co., we specialize in providing color race-run kits and other color powder products to make any color race-run fundraiser you plan a success. But what is a color race-run? Why is it a great choice for a school fundraiser?

For starters, a color race-run is a running event where race participants and spectators toss colored powder on the racers. Typically, these events aren’t competitive but are rather geared toward having fun. If you decide to host a color race-run for your school’s next fundraiser, there are a few things to know. First, it’s important for all race participants to wear white t-shirts so the color powder shows up more vividly. Second, anyone is allowed to toss color powder on passing runners. The more people get involved in the act of throwing powder, the more fun the event will be.

The fun doesn’t have to stop after the race, either. Continue the fun with a post-race party or celebration with music, food, dancing, and other fun activities.

The fundraising aspect of the event can take place during the race or during the post-race celebration with raffles, selling food and beverages, and more. To raise funds during the race portion of the event, consider hosting it much like a walk-a-thon by having racers pay registration fees or donate money to a charitable cause.

If you’re ready to plan a color race-run fundraiser for your child’s school, contact us today. We’d be more than happy to help supply you with all the kits and color powder you will need to make your color race-run a success.

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