Color Walk Tips to Make Your Event A Success

(Updated May 7, 2023)

Color Walk Tips to Make Your Event A Success

Color Walks/Runs have been increasing in popularity recently. Participants at these events, walk/run a course that is set up—similar to a 5k. As the participants walk, they journey through clouds of colorful powder that are thrown at them by the race volunteers and viewers. At the end of the race, the participants are covered head to toe in a kaleidoscope of colors. Color walks are a great way to add some excitement and engagement to your next race event, but without proper planning, it can be a flop. Thankfully, Color Powder Supply Co. is here to give you some tips to make your color walk a success. 

Set Up Stations

As you are setting up for the event, make sure you plan out where the color stations are set up. You want to make sure that the participants are coated in color by the end of the walk, so setting up stations is the perfect way to do that. As the participants walk past the station, the volunteers can throw multiple colors at them from all different directions. Having multiple stations throughout the walk will ensure that the participants are covered in every color of the powder. We recommend having around 3-7 color stations set up along the course. Our color walk-run powder comes in bulk bags or individual packets that you can distribute at color stations.

Use Dixie Cups/Squeeze Bottles

The best way to make sure the participants get coated in color powder is by using Dixie cups or squeeze bottles to throw the color powder. Both of these methods give the tosser some control over the direction of the color powder without getting any of it on themselves. The 3 oz Dixie cups are the perfect size to scoop up some color powder and toss in someone’s direction. The squeeze bottles are ideal for more precise application of the color powder. 

Have a Dedicated Photographer

Color walks are an amazing photo opportunity for your community, organization, or company. Make sure you have a dedicated photographer to capture the special moments at the event. Even though everyone has a camera phone nowadays, it can be difficult to track down and ask for permission to use photos that people took. If you have a dedicated photographer, you don’t have to worry about that! If you hire a professional photographer, you can get even more high-definition and detailed photos of the event. 

Get Enough Color Powder

It sounds, pretty self-explanatory but you really don’t want to run out of color powder at a color walk. If you use all of the powder on the participants in the beginning, the last participants are not going to have any color powder on them. This can lead to some disappointed people. The best way to ensure you have enough powder is to calculate the amount you need before the event. 

Our tip is to purchase ½ pound to 1 pound of color powder per participant. This allows every person to be fully coated and ready for their picture-perfect close-up. Our color powder calculator is perfect for calculating the proper amount of color powder to buy for your event. You simply add the number of people you expect, the number of color stations you plan on having, and the amount of surplus you want; then, the calculator will tell you how much color powder you need. 

Color Powder Supply Co. 

Color Powder Supply Co. is America’s top wholesale color powder supplier in the USA. Customers continue to rave about our vibrant colors, bulk/wholesale pricing, fast shipping, and our FDA-approved ingredients. By following our tips, you are sure to have a successful color walk event!

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