Color Powder Bombs – A Fun Way to Make Your Color Powder War a Blast!

(Updated May 5, 2023)

Sometimes, you just need to add a little “color” to your life. Whether you need splashes of color for a baby’s gender reveal party, or you want to arm yourself and your friends with safe and silly tools to splatter each other with bright shades like pink or purple, color powder bombs are useful and fun for a variety of situations.

What Are Color Powder Bombs?

Color powder bombs are sort of like water balloons. But instead of exploding and soaking everything they contact, color powder bombs paint their impact surfaces with bright hues depending on the chalk or powder contained within.

They might be messy, but they are also super fun! Color powder bombs are enjoyable toys for situations like:

  • Gender reveal parties for pregnant parents
  • Holi Festival celebrations. Also called the Festival of Colors, the Holi Festival invites attendees to throw color powder into the air to celebrate the arrival of spring
  • Artistic endeavors, like flinging color at a canvas to see how the shades mingle and interact

Of course, you can also use color powder bombs in a fun-filled “war” with your friends or family members! Color powder wars let you fling bright colors at each other, just like paintball, but without the welts and need for protective equipment.

How to Make Fun Bombs

You don’t need a ton of gadgets or gizmos to make fun powder bombs right at home. Instead, all you need is:

  • A jar with a lid
  • Some water
  • A pump bottle
  • Food coloring or color powder of your choice
  • Cornstarch
  • Water balloons

Once you have all these materials, whip up some delightful and dazzling powder bombs by:

  • Mixing two cups of water with five tablespoons of cornstarch in a jar
  • Next, put the lid on the jar and shake!
  • Add some food coloring with as many drops and shades as you like
  • Then simply use the pump bottle and start transferring the mixture to your water balloons. Ta-da! Powder bombs that you and your family can fling at each other!

color-powder-bombsCheck Out Color Powder Supply Co. for Your Color Powder Needs

Although making your own color powder bombs can be fun, you’ll need quality color powder to fill them with. That means checking out Color Powder Supply Co.!

Whether you need color powder for a baby shower, powder for an upcoming Holi Festival event, or just need some color to paint your clothes before a run or other social event, we can help. Buy your color powder in bulk, plus benefit from free shipping on all orders over $50. Become a regular purchaser and you’ll further get to enjoy loyalty and annual event discounts.

Simply put, Color Powder Supply Co. is dedicated to providing safe color powder to everyone who needs it. Contact us today for friendly service and fast shipping!

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