Blue Color Powder Gender Reveal

(Updated May 7, 2023)

blue color powder gender reveal

Having a baby boy is so exciting! There are many ways you can use blue color powder to reveal to your friends and family that a new little man is coming into their lives. Here are five ways to enjoy sharing the news with them.

Blue Color Powder Toss it up

Blue color powder in packets or cups is perfect for tossing into the air to show the color that represents your baby boy’s gender. Gather your tribe together in a group and hand distribute the packets or cups. Do a countdown and have everyone throw the powder up in the air. Warning: Everyone will get powder on them! It’s easy to wash off. Ask your guests to wear white to show the color even better. Make sure you do the toss up with them and record it for social media.

boy gender reveal powder blueBalloon pop With Blue Color Powder Inside

Purchase a large balloon to fill with blue color powder. You don’t need to put a lot in it for this to work. Be sure to purchase a dark balloon as the blue color powder could be visible. Remember that anyone standing under or near the balloon may get the color powder on them. And as always … record it!

Spray it

Color powder canons are a fun way to shoot your blue color powder into the air. Purchase blue color powder extinguishers for this fun activity. They arrive loaded with the powder and ready to be used. You and your partner can be the ones to spray from the extinguisher, or if you have other children, let them do it. Or maybe even an excited grandma or grandpa!

Fill A Piñata With Blue Color Powder

Fill a piñata with blue color powder and you and your partner take turns swinging at it until the powder bursts into the air. If you want to allow guests to participate, even better! Make sure you film the fun. Fillable pinatas come in so many shapes and sizes … some of our favorites for gender reveals are the currently popular sloths and llamas, rainbows and emojis.

Squeeze it

Squeeze bottles are a fun way to have gender reveal party guests squirt each other when it’s time to reveal that you are having a little boy. You can buy clear color powder squeeze bottles and wrap them with labels asking, “What is the gender?” or “Boy or girl?” Just make sure you cover every clear space of the bottles. If you go for colored bottles, buy a mix of pink and blue and have guests choose which color they want. Make sure the blue color powder inside is all to represent a boy! Warn guests prior to their arrival that if they want to participate, they will need to dress to get covered in powder. When you are finished with the squeeze bottles you can save them to use for condiments or donate them to a place that uses them to feed groups.

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